fun but repetitive. it just seems like its the same level type over and over, granted they're penguins so its going to be in the ice, but maybe add different elements to it such as ice traps or maybe water traps later on. The playability is good I could turn at every turn without hitting every wall (it was a little iffy on the sixth level) and getting the stars (yellow) wasn't any trouble because it seemed like any time your anywhere near them it would automatically pick them up. I'm not sure but when you pick up some stars they turn dark yellow, purple, and blue, if that gave you more points then that is amazing. Good choice to have random upgraded stars. The blue ones though you had to be right on them, i think that's the perfect set up with the yellow and blue stars. the take down score was new I've never seen this kind of game with a take down score. The ability to hit people and get hit was a good idea, its been done but its fine. Getting hit didn't seem to outrageous, like i wasn't getting hit every 3 seconds and when i did get it i could recover from it in a good amount of time. The penguin you were controlling was a little different at first because of the camo helmet or hairdo. The other characters or opponents were fairly cookie cutter opponents, except for the random black penguin. I didnt notice a pattern to if they switch or are added in. Thank you for putting in basic things such as a mute, and pause menu ive played countless games where they had neither and it drew away from a good score because of it. The music is pretty good. Its repetitive but its not annoying when its repeated over and over, its a nice tune for both the main menu and game play. Here's some things that i think would be beneficial if you added..
-Character select/design (maybe stats for select and for design maybe unlock-able clothes/boards)
-Simple controls but a different setup would be nice such as WASD keys or mouse with shooting the stars with a mouse click and to move it could be the space key. (mouse would complicated but challenging)
-More levels (the levels that were there were good enough but i think more levels would make the experience a little more long lasting-obviously lol-as long as they were more unique levels)
-Something needs to happen when you beat it. Nothing happened when i beat it. say the credits or how about you unlocked a new character and have it be an uber penguin so that way you have some re-playability or at least a thanks for playing or something
Overall it was a pretty good game. There's always room for improvement though. So keep up the good work! 4/5
P.S. When i was writing this the main menu music loop stopped. The sound was good and kept going. I personally don't have a problem with this but its the little things that count. So you can probably look into that.